April 28, 2024

Embodiment Sunday: REST

Sabbath is a communal practice.  This Sunday, we are extending an invitation to step into vibrant rest together as a community to embody the spiritual rhythm of the Sabbath.  

Our vision for this Sunday is for the beloved community to embody God’s invitation to regular rhythms of work, rest, and renewal through the practice of Sabbath.

Consider what you will exclude:  What activities related to work, buying, selling, worrying, and technology will you set aside? What scheduling choices need to be made or household chores completed within the other six days to have a day of rest?

Consider what you will include: What brings delight and how will you incorporate this into your day? Include activities that rest and delight the body (a walk, a nap, a favorite meal with loved ones, etc); rest the mind and replenish our soul (music, reading for pleasure, playing with children, spending time with someone who brings life), worship (activities that create a spirit of reverence for God and all of creation, time in prayer, revisiting the WHCC podcast for guided prayer, journaling), care for others (how might you extend care for others in and through your rest)

Practical considerations: Do not make your Sabbath too structured. Allow for flexibility and spaciousness. Give yourself space to wake up and know that it is a day of rest and replenishment. Remember that Sabbath-keeping is always Sabbath-giving. It is a practice done with the care of others and connection to others in mind. Write the day on your calendar and pray that God will help you receive and honor the gift of Sabbath rest.

Prompts & Practices to Ponder: Easter isn’t just a day. It is an entire season that stretches from resurrection to Pentecost. The broader season of Easter (or Eastertide) lasts fifty days. These days are meant for contemplation and action around hope and considering what it looks like to live in light of the resurrection. During Eastertide, we also observe Jesus’ ascension into heaven and the giving of the Holy Spirit to the church on the Day of Pentecost, which ends the season.

This Easter season let us prayerfully pay attention to where God’s liberating activity is happening in our midst and to consider how to embody the new life and new hope of the resurrection in our daily lives.

Our prayer is that as we reflect together on the wonder of our lives as the people of the risen Lord, we will more deeply embrace the abundant love offered to us and more fully embody the new life and new hope of the resurrection for the flourishing of all of creation.

Celebrate the Risen Christ with five stories of post-resurrection encounters with Jesus. Read John 20:11-18, John 20:19-22, John 20:24-29, Luke 24:13-35, John 21:1-19. Create space to read these stories reflectively.

Which story resonates most profoundly with you, and what new hope does God want to bring as you sit with God and these stories?

How can I pay attention to evidence of new life, whether in nature, situations, relationships, mindsets, patterns, etc.? Where do I see new life springing up?

In what areas might God invite me into new life and hope? What does it look like to embody this new life and new hope? Do I need to let go of anything to live into this invitation?

How might I take up a fifty-day practice that promotes hope, freedom, and liberation?

Engage with God with these songs:

Rise Up! - The Many

Rise Up! - Common Hymnal, Jonnie Mae

Keep Me Warm - Keeyon featuring Nora Heaton and Cael Kongshaug

Consider taking a prayer walk with a loved one or invite someone from WHCC and reflect and discuss these questions:

-How might you embody the words of the suggested song Rise Up?

-Where might I consider joyfully sharing my time and financial resources as an action of practical hope in light of the resurrection?

-Who might you write a note of encouragement to continue in their good work of joining in God’s liberating activity in our community? Write a note and commit to praying for them throughout the remainder of Eastertide.

Consider sharing a story of your encounters within Embodiment Sunday as we hold space, nurture space and act from the space of rest, connection and embodiment as the Beloved Community.

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Looking Ahead